Noise, Vibration & Dust Monitoring

The impact of noise, vibration, and particulate matter (dust) can be a serious concern for any site in close proximity to sensitive receivers. Monitoring these environmental parameters can help identify, control, and reduce emissions and avoid complaints.

Our team of acoustic consultants in London and Manchester are experts in providing noise, vibration and dust monitoring. 

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Our Noise Monitoring Services

Clement Acoustics offers a bespoke dust, vibration, and noise monitoring service run by qualified engineers with a wealth of experience. Our environmental monitoring will be undertaken in accordance with relevant guidance or British standards. For example, construction sites will follow the code of practice for noise and vibration stated in BS 5228 Part 1 and Part 2.

Our service offers:

Customisable Website

A website (customisable to the client’s requirements) will be set up, allowing live and historical data on noise levels to be accessed from any device with a browser and internet connection.

Real-time Alerts

Whether for noise, vibration, or PM10 count, any number of noise or dust exposure alerts can be set up to pre-empt exceeding threshold levels or warn the relevant parties when set limits are reached or exceeded. Noise control alerts can be set up as SMS, email, or visual beacons.

We also send reports regularly based on your preferences and the frequency you’d like to receive them.

We can provide guidance and advice on how our environmental noise monitoring strategy can be integrated into construction projects. This would include recommendations on noise and vibration monitoring equipment, the number of noise monitors, monitoring positions, and threshold levels.

Our noise monitoring equipment can operate on 240v, 110v, battery and solar power.

We aim to provide quick turnaround times, competitive rates, and helpful advice to ensure our customers get the best service.

Noise at Work Assessments


Our noise monitoring solution is suitable for a range of applications and industries, such as:

  • Construction noise monitoring
  • Demolition site noise monitoring
  • Section 61 Agreements
  • Industrial operations
  • Continuous Noise at Work exposure monitoring
  • Outdoor events monitoring (e.g. festivals or motorsports)
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Airports / heliports.

Measurement Parameters

Our expert team measures a comprehensive range of noise, vibration, and dust parameters, including:

  • Noise – LAeq, LAFmax, LA10, LA90, LApeak single octaves, third octaves etc…

  • Vibration – PPV, VDV

  • Dust – PM10, PM2.5, PM1, TSP.

This ensures thorough environmental impact assessment and compliance.

Why Choose Clement Acoustics?

Quick turnaround time

Helpful team of qualified acoustic engineers

Competitive rates

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