Noise Modelling and Mapping

What is Noise Modelling?

Noise mapping is a tool used in acoustic assessments such as planning assessments, whereby a proposed site and its surroundings are modelled as a 3D virtual environment. Noise sources can then be added into the noise model, either to represent existing sources such as roads and railways, or proposed noise sources such as plant installations.

How noise from these sources propagates through the site can then be modelled, to calculate the received level of noise at different receivers. This can then establish if mitigation measures should be considered to control the received levels of noise.

Our team of acoustic consultants in London and Manchester are experts in building noise maps.

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When is Noise Mapping Used?

Noise mapping is typically used for large or complex sites. They are particularly valuable when there are a large number of sources to be considered cumulatively, or when there is complex topography or obstacles on or around a site, which may affect how noise propagates to different areas.

When a noise sensitive development is proposed close to multiple surrounding noise sources, it can be useful to accurately predict the effects of the sources on each façade and even each window in the development, to ensure all sensitive spaces are adequately protected from noise, but also that there are no needless over-specifications.CadnaA noise map of residential development

When proposals are to introduce noise generating activity close to sensitive receivers, the noise map can be used to accurately predict whether a negative impact is likely, and as such if mitigation should be installed. Further, it can be used to accurately predict the most effective way to provide the required reductions, for example the best location to place screens based on the location and heights of sources and receivers.

Noise mapping could be a requirement stipulated by a Local Authority or Employer, or it could be something that we recommend would be beneficial to strengthen and better represent an application.

How Can We Help?

We undertake noise modelling using proprietary software CadnaA. This is an industry recognised piece of software, and can be customised to ensure it performs calculations to recognised and relevant British and international standards, according to the specific project requirements.


Why Choose Clement Acoustics for Noise Modelling and Mapping? 

Quick turnaround time  

Helpful team of qualified acoustic engineers 

Competitive rates 

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