Our Noise Impact Assessment Services
Our team of acoustic consultants in London and Manchester is experienced in delivering cost-effective BS 4142 noise assessments and acoustic surveys across the UK tailored to your project. Using calculations and state-of-the-art software, we can accurately predict noise impact for your proposed development.
Request a callback now for an immediate, free quotation. Our friendly team will support and guide you through determining your exact needs and booking your survey.
Find out more information about what a noise impact assessment is here.

What is a BS 4142 Noise Impact Assessment?
Before introducing a new noise source into the environment, a Noise Impact Assessment and Noise Survey may be required as part of the planning application process. A noise impact assessment considers existing and proposed developments’ potential noise impact on nearby residents. Sources of noise could include:
- Air Conditioning Condensers
- Generators
- Chiller Units
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
- Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP)
- General Industrial and Commercial Noise
- Air Handling Units (AHU)
- Extract Fans
Why is a Noise Impact Assessment Important?
Noise Impact Assessments matter, as unwanted noise can affect nearby residents’ health and well-being. Noise pollution impacts millions and harms all age groups, especially children. Assessing any potential noise-related issues on nearby residents before any noise source is introduced can significantly reduce the likelihood of receiving future complaints from neighbours or a noise abatement notice from the Local Authority. As a result, the Local Authority will request an acoustic consultant to undertake an environmental noise survey and noise impact assessment.
What are the Regulations & Requirements?
Noise impact calculations and assessment would generally consider the following standards to assess the predicted noise level generated:
- BS 4142: 2014: ‘Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound’
- BS 8233: 2014: ‘Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings’
- Local Authority policies on noise control, such as Policy ENV of the Westminster Unitary Development Plan (UDP) or the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s typical planning conditions
What is Involved in a Noise Impact Assessment?
The general steps in the assessment include:
- The first stage would be to undertake an environmental noise survey. This noise survey sets noise emissions criteria relative to the requirements of the planning condition (or any other Local Authority or client-specific requirements) by establishing the prevailing background noise levels and environmental noise impacts of the site and surrounding area. The environmental noise survey would be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of relevant British Standards. Acoustic descriptors such as LAmax, LA10, LAeq and LA90 will be measured. The minimum duration for a noise survey is typically 24 hours.
- Where necessary, we also undertake shorter attended noise surveys in parallel to longer noise surveys. We would inspect the general area for a shorter manned noise survey to identify any significant noise sources and/or noise-sensitive premises.
- Based on the background noise patterns observed onsite via the noise survey, noise emissions criteria would be set in accordance with the adopted standard or planning condition requirements issued by the Local Authority.
- Noise impact calculations would be undertaken for nearby noise-sensitive receivers based on the manufacturer-provided noise emission levels of proposed plant units, or the anticipated noise levels of proposed activities.
- Considering the above factors, the calculated noise emissions levels would be compared against the set noise emissions criteria to investigate whether mitigation measures are necessary to achieve compliance with the Local Authority’s requirements.
- Our team would then produce a noise impact assessment report that details all of our tests and the results, giving you actionable insights.
How Can We Help?
Clement Acoustics has extensive experience undertaking Noise Surveys, Noise Impact Assessments, and Noise Reports for a wide variety of projects.
If you have a project that requires a Noise Impact Assessment, get in touch.
Why Choose Clement Acoustics?
Quick turnaround time
Helpful team of qualified acoustic engineers
Competitive rates