BS 8233 Residential Noise Survey & Assessment

What is a BS 8233 Residential Noise Survey?

Our experienced team of acoustic consultants in London and Manchester conduct assessments of existing noise sources, via environmental noise surveys, to ensure that newly introduced noise-sensitive uses do not expose residents to unacceptable internal noise levels. This assessment also reduces the risk of any future noise break-in issues from surrounding noise-generating sources such as traffic noise. We specialise in conducting noise surveys and tailoring noise assessments to your project.

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When is a Noise Survey Required?

When a new noise sensitive development (e.g., a residential dwelling) is introduced to an area, either by means of a newly constructed building or the redevelopment of an existing building, a Residential Noise Survey could be required as part of the planning application. The purpose of this is to assess the impact of existing noise sources on the occupants of the proposed building and where necessary propose mitigation measures in the form of glazing and ventilation. These noise sources typically include the following:

Landmark Pinnacle Residential Tower

  • Roads and railway lines
  • Industrial uses (such as a garage, service yards)
  • Entertainment venues (such as a bar or club)

What are the Regulations/Requirements?

Although there are no set requirements on a national scale, as there are for Building Acoustics (Approved Document E), there are standards that contain relevant guidance, such as:

The most common criteria for residential bedrooms is as follows:

  • LAeq 35 dB (daytime)
  • L Aeq 30 dB (night time)
  • LAFmax 45 dB (night time)

Daytime is between 07:00-23:00. Night time is between 23:00 – 07:00.

How Can We Help?

Clement Acoustics has extensive experience in conducting Noise Exposure Assessments for a wide range of projects. Generally, we would perform the noise assessment in the following stages.

We would establish the existing ambient noise profile of the site and surroundings by conducting an environmental noise survey, which would take into account noise from all nearby noise sources (such as main roads and railway lines).

Firstly, we would undertake the environmental noise survey in accordance with the requirements of relevant British Standards, and we would quantify any noise patterns during daytime and night-time.

All relevant standards and guidance would then be undertaken, and a detailed technical report would be issued, which can be used to support the planning application. This report would describe the measurement procedure, as well as the data analysis and final specifications, in the form of a specification of glazed and non-glazed elements of the external building fabric elements, along with ventilation requirements in order to meet the internal noise targets of BS 8233: 2014, as well as any client-specific requirements.
Noise Map Image

This would involve us undertaking an automated monitoring over a period of at least 48 hours, and acoustic descriptors such as LAmax, LA10, LAeq and LA90 would be measured. Where necessary, we would also conduct attended measurements in order to identify any significant noise sources. The site would then be classified in terms of its exposure to noise, which would allow the assessment of the external building fabric sound insulation performance requirements.

Finally, we would undertake the noise assessment. This would take into account all relevant standards and guidance. Resulting in a detailed technical report would be issued, which can be used to support the planning application. This report would describe the measurement procedure, as well as the data analysis and final specifications. The final specification details the recommended mitigation measures such as the sound insulation performance of glazed and non-glazed elements of the external building fabric elements, along with ventilation requirements. The aim would usually be to meet the internal noise targets of BS 8233: 2014, as well as any client-specific requirements.


Why Choose Clement Acoustics for a Noise Exposure Assessment? 

Quick turnaround time  

Helpful team of qualified acoustic engineers 

Competitive rates 

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