Team on stage winning an award

Max Colligan of SIKA, Duncan Martin, Abigail Brierley, Emily Millar of the CDA & Charlie Luxton

The Construction Development Alliance [CDA] is a coalition of different businesses in the construction and property industries, bringing together expertise and business growth opportunities between members. Clement Acoustics are proud to be an active member of the CDA, as the acoustic consultancy experts.

The CDA hosts a biennial awards night, where the achievements of nominated young people working in construction-related industry are celebrated.

The event is also a fantastic opportunity to raise money for well-deserving charities – this year, money was raised for 42nd Street, a fantastic charity based in Manchester, which provides emotional wellbeing and mental health support to young people.

The event was hosted by Reid Lewis from Hawthorn Estates, chair of the CDA and Charlie Luxton, who you may recognise from Channel 4 architectural programmes ‘Building the Dream’ and ‘Homes by the Sea’.

This year, Clement Acoustics were proud to sponsor the ‘Young Construction Professional’ prize, and Director Duncan Martin was delighted to present the award to Abigail Brierley, a Graduate Construction Manager at Laing O’Rourke.

Abigail also went on to be awarded the ‘Overall Winner’ award, as the outstanding prize winner of the night. Well done, Abigail!